I was struggling following the breakdown of my relationship to move on with my life. Liz helped me to see that it wasn’t that I was a bad person (which is how I felt) or that my partner was, it was just that we wanted different things from a relationship and that was ok. My relationship has ended on good terms, and I now feel in a better space to move forwards.
I have not had any counselling before and don’t mind admitting, I was sceptical. Liz is so down to earth and straight-talking, that I found it easier to open up than I thought and be able to talk about a past experience that I have struggled with for years and have now finally been able to let it go.
I wasn’t in a good head space when I started my sessions with Liz. Things had really got on top of me and more than once I had thought about taking my own life. Liz was clear that she didn’t have a magic wand, but she did help me breakdown all the issues that were overwhelming me and help me to look at things differently. I know I’ve a long way to go, but at least I now feel I can get there.